Test de génération de documentation html TOTO

Bonjour voici une doc générée automatiquement par sphinx. Le pipeline gitlab-ci.yml génère la doc au format HTML dans pages.

Bonne journée

** ça marche ! **

Fichier inclus:

Je suis le fichie doc1.rst

Je suis inclus dans la page… si !

et je ressemble à ça

Je suis le fichie doc1.rst

Je suis inclus dans la page... si !

Exemples de syntaxe pour rst:

Sphinx cheat sheet

Here is a quick and dirty cheat sheet for some common stuff you want to do in sphinx and ReST. You can see the literal source for this file at This file.

Formatting text

You use inline markup to make text italics, bold, or monotype.

You can represent code blocks fairly easily:

import numpy as np
x = np.random.rand(12)

Or literally include code:

Making a list

It is easy to make lists in rest

Bullet points

This is a subsection making bullet points

  • point A

  • point B

  • point C

Enumerated points

This is a subsection making numbered points

  1. point A

  2. point B

  3. point C

Making a table

This shows you how to make a table – if you only want to make a list see Making a list.



John D Hunter


Cast of Thousands


And Still More


This file

.. _cheat-sheet:

Sphinx cheat sheet

Here is a quick and dirty cheat sheet for some common stuff you want
to do in sphinx and ReST.  You can see the literal source for this
file at :ref:`cheatsheet-literal`.

.. _formatting-text:

Formatting text

You use inline markup to make text *italics*, **bold**, or ``monotype``.

You can represent code blocks fairly easily::

   import numpy as np
   x = np.random.rand(12)

Or literally include code:

.. literalinclude:: pyplots/ellipses.py

.. _making-a-list:

Making a list

It is easy to make lists in rest

Bullet points

This is a subsection making bullet points

* point A

* point B

* point C

Enumerated points

This is a subsection making numbered points

#. point A

#. point B

#. point C

.. _making-a-table:

Making a table

This shows you how to make a table -- if you only want to make a list see :ref:`making-a-list`.

==================   ============
Name                 Age
==================   ============
John D Hunter        40
Cast of Thousands    41
And Still More       42
==================   ============

.. _making-links:

Making links

It is easy to make a link to `yahoo <http://yahoo.com>`_ or to some
section inside this document (see :ref:`making-a-table`) or another

You can also reference classes, modules, functions, etc that are
documented using the sphinx `autodoc
<http://sphinx.pocoo.org/ext/autodoc.html>`_ facilites.  For example,
see the module :mod:`matplotlib.backend_bases` documentation, or the
class :class:`~matplotlib.backend_bases.LocationEvent`, or the method

.. _cheatsheet-literal:

This file

.. literalinclude:: cheatsheet.rst